Mounting regulatory pressure, but also pressure exerted by the environment – business partners, customer lending institutions or local communities – means that more and more companies need to quantify their environmental footprint as well as develop and monitor plans to reduce it. This applies in particular to the carbon footprint.
The concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere is the direct cause of unprecedented global action – including some actions that directly affect business. In 2015, world leaders agreed on targets to combat this phenomenon by adopting the Paris Agreement – a long-term roadmap to curb global warming. Its key component is to put on halt the rise of global average temperature at a level well below 2°C (and ideally not more than 1.5°C) relative to levels prevailing in the pre-industrial era.
The Paris Agreement has been ratified by all EU countries and they have decided that the Union will take measures that will make it the first economy in the world to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. In addition, as part of the ‘Fit for 55’ package, the Union has developed a plan to reduce emissions by at least 55% by 2030 compared to the levels prevailing in 1990s.
The EU, in pursuit of its long-term strategy to reduce GHG emissions, has initiated a very extensive regulatory change process, which continues till present day. It has significantly affected and will also increasingly affect the business conduct – both by private and public (listed) companies.
Reduction of the carbon footprint – the scope of our support
Our services will enable an organisation to manage comprehensively its greenhouse gas emissions – both its own and across the value chain. We will support you in the reduction of your environmental (e.g. carbon) footprint along with partners:
To calculate the carbon footprint, we use the most popular global standards:
– ISO 14064 standard,
– GHG Protocol standard.
What do you gain while working with us?
– A specific action plan, based on hard data, to consciously reduce your organisation’s/product’s carbon footprint in the short and long term, adapted to your organisation’s resources.
– Improve your company’s image and credibility in the eyes of customers and business partners and, as a result, strengthen your competitive position or win new contracts by meeting your contractors’ requirements.
– Professionally produced carbon footprint content for mandatory reporting or communication with stakeholders.